Monday, September 5, 2011

Count down is on....5...4..3...2.....

There were so many pictures around 700. Beth my sister-in-law took them and she was wonderful and fun. THANK YOU BETH. I love them all. Time is coming fast and I am not nervous or scared of the wedding at all but the thought of family life afterwards I am starting to freak out. I just have decided I will have to bite my tongue a lot. (which many of you know is hard for me to do) But I will also have to have a lot of patience with so many changes in all of our lives.


THIS was the ONE we picked..... we come!


Jill said...

hooray, sis! see you soon. love the pics...and they will be even more amazing this weekend!

Cathy said...

Love the pictures! Love the one you picked. I cannot wait to see you and celebrate with you and Mike! Yay, Woo Hoo, and Hip Hip Hooray!

Michael said...

What a thrill to be here in WA for your wedding. You are so beautiful. I loved seeing you smile so much. I had lots of fun with your nieces and nephews. We'll treasure our time here with you.